Last weekend we had many dog shows and here are the results of the Labrador Specialty in Luige and Retriever Specialty in Tallinn.

Labrador Specialty 3.06.2011 in Luige, judge Manuel Queijeiro, kennel Queijeiro, Mexico).

  • MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) won the female intermediate class, was second for the CC and Best Female-3.
  • MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL (Jouli) won the male Junior Class, got the Junior CC and was BOS Junior.
  • MY BRAND MISS SUNSHINE (Fiona) was II in female working class and got the traveling trophy for the Best Working Dog Born in Estonia.
  • MY BRAND IMMATERIAL GIRL was IV in female Champion Class.
  • MY BRAND INDIANA JONEZ (Oskar) was III in male Champion Class.
  • MALLORN’S EL DORADO (Tommy) was III in male Working Class.
  • MY BRAND ADIRATO (Dante) was III in male Intermediate Class.
  • MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) was III in female Junior Class.
  • MY BRAND JAZZ MAN DO (Frankie) was III in male Junior Class.
  • NIPNTUCK FIRST LADY (Emma) was II in female Baby Class.
  • MY BRAND JAZZ MAN DO & MY BRAND JUNE BUG took part in the Brace Competition and were handed by Britta, to whom I now owe much 🙂 and won the competition!
  • MY BRAND breeders group got II place.

Retriever Specialty in Tallinn, judge Gera Toeters-Riethoff, Netherlands.

  • MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) won the female Junior Class, was Best of Breed Junior and Best in Show-2 Junior!

Congratulations to our puppies who also got nice results from these shows!